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Jackson Ave Dental Blog
Our dentists in Long Island City have created this resource on how to take care of your teeth just for our patients. Perhaps it answers your question about one of our dental services?
Follow along to learn about tips on maintaining excellent oral health.

Are There Disadvantages To Teeth Cleanings?
There are disadvantages to getting your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist or hygienist but these adverse effects are only...
David Chen, DDS
Dec 27, 20234 min read

Gum Abscess: Things To Know
Have you been noticing some swelling around your gums and you think it may be a gum abscess? Well, that is certainly not good but we'll...
David Chen, DDS
Dec 20, 20235 min read

Deep Teeth Cleaning (Scaling & Root Planing): Things To Know
A deep teeth cleaning (scaling and root planing) is a dental procedure which cleans your teeth below the gum line. That means it removes...
David Chen, DDS
Nov 13, 20236 min read

How Long Should I Use Chlorhexidine Mouthwash?
On average, chlorhexidine mouthwash (CHX) should be used for 2 weeks at most unless otherwise directed by your dentist. The two major...
David Chen, DDS
Nov 12, 20234 min read

Chlorhexidine Mouthwash: Things To Know
This is a guide for the prescription only chlorhexidine mouthwash (CHX) with all of it's technical specifications and things to know...
David Chen, DDS
Nov 11, 20235 min read

Periodontitis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Management
Periodontitis is an inflammatory oral condition that affects the periodontium around the teeth, which includes the gums and jaw bone. It...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 31, 20236 min read

Why Would A Crown That Isn't Loose FEEL Loose?
A crown that feels loose but isn't, is most likely a periodontal problem which has absolutely nothing to do with your tooth cap. We'll...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 23, 20235 min read

Gum Infection After Dental Cleaning, Possible or No?
It is highly unlikely for you to get a gum infection after a dental cleaning but it could potentially happen because infections can...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 22, 20234 min read

Each Stage of a Gum Abscess
There are three stages to a gum abscess and they can be differentiated from one another based on the severity of the swelling. The...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 21, 20233 min read

Are There Disadvantages to Deep Cleaning Teeth?
There are absolutely NO disadvantages to deep cleaning teeth, none whatsoever because all of the alleged cons for this procedure are...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 18, 20234 min read

Can Popping a Gum Abscess Kill You?
You won't die from popping a gum abscess but it also won't make the infection go away because only a dentist can properly treat it....
David Chen, DDS
Oct 14, 20234 min read

Refusing a Deep Cleaning At The Dentist
Of course you can refuse a deep cleaning at the dentist because without your consent, they're not legally able to perform treatment on...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 14, 20234 min read

Tartar Broke Off While Flossing
Occasionally the tartar (calculus) can come off while flossing and that is not a bad thing at all. What it means is that the tartar is...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 5, 20227 min read

How Long Does Gingivitis Last? - The Truth
Gingivitis will last until you finally decide to get treatment for it because it will not go away on its own. It is a non-self curing...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 4, 20227 min read

What Does Tartar On Teeth Look Like?
We all know that tartar (calculus) is bad for your teeth because your dentist tells you so and it is on all of the toothpaste labels....
David Chen, DDS
Aug 29, 20226 min read

Can You Get a Gum Infection Around Your Crown?
You most certainly can get a gum infection around a crown because crowns protect your teeth but they don't protect your gums. Basically,...
David Chen, DDS
Jul 24, 20225 min read

Can You Drain a Gum Abscess At Home?
Unfortunately it is NOT possible to drain a gum abscess at home because the swelling is more diffuse than localized. The abscess is...
David Chen, DDS
Jul 4, 20227 min read

What is The Best Toothpaste For Receding Gums?
In order to determine the best toothpaste for receding gums, we need to understand what causes gum recession and the symptoms that result...
David Chen, DDS
Jun 28, 20224 min read

Megathread for Gum Pain
There are far more things that can make your gums hurt than you may realize. What you should do about it would depend on the cause....
David Chen, DDS
Jun 26, 202214 min read

Bone Loss in Teeth: Causes, Prevention & Treatment
We often associate cavities with losing teeth but bone loss in teeth is also another major contributing cause. That is correct, you can...
David Chen, DDS
Jun 13, 20229 min read
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