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Jackson Ave Dental Blog
Our dentists in Long Island City have created this resource on how to take care of your teeth just for our patients. Perhaps it answers your question about one of our dental services?
Follow along to learn about tips on maintaining excellent oral health.

Pulpitis: Things To Know
Pulpitis is a dental condition where the tooth nerve's pulp tissue becomes inflamed which is a common cause for a toothache. However,...
David Chen, DDS
Nov 9, 20236 min read

Is My Tooth Dead After a Root Canal?
After a tooth completes the root canal treatment, it is now considered dead because it no longer has a nerve supply nor blood supply....
David Chen, DDS
Nov 2, 20234 min read

Dead Tooth, Should I Get It Pulled?
We do NOT recommend pulling a dead tooth if it doesn't have an infection that renders it non-restorable because you can keep it in your...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 26, 20233 min read

Gum Boil vs Abscess: Are They Different?
A gum boil is a type of dental abscess but not all abscesses are gum boils. Well, to be more precise, a boil on the gums is an oral...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 21, 20233 min read

What Happens When a Tooth Nerve Dies?
When the tooth nerve dies, all of the contents (nerves & blood vessels) within the pulp chamber and canals will begin to decompose. The...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 21, 20234 min read

Can a Tooth Still Be Sensitive To Cold After a Root Canal?
It is impossible for a tooth to still be sensitive to cold after a root canal if the procedure has been completed properly because the...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 20, 20234 min read

Does a Tooth Sensitive To Cold Mean It Needs a Root Canal?
A tooth sensitive to cold doesn't always mean that it needs a root canal because vital teeth should feel the cold but intense sensitivity...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 20, 20234 min read

Do Endodontists Pull Wisdom Teeth?
Typically, endodontists would not pull out your wisdom tooth. It's not that they can't do it but rather, it isn't their area of...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 17, 20234 min read

Root Canals Are Safe While You're Pregnant
Root canals are safe to get while you're pregnant but you should only do it if it is urgent or it is an emergency where you are in severe...
David Chen, DDS
Oct 13, 20235 min read

Are Gum Boils Painful?
Gum boils may look like an innocent pimple on the gums but they're actually the end of a sinus tract that leads directly to a tooth...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 22, 20224 min read

How To Treat a Gum Boil
A gum boil may look like a harmless pimple on the gums but it is actually an abscess coming from an infected tooth nerve. Another name...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 21, 20227 min read

Why Is My Gum Boil Getting Bigger?
A gum boil may look like a harmless pimple on the gums but it is actually a tooth abscess. Therefore, the presence of the boil itself is...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 20, 20225 min read

What Happens If You Pop a Gum Boil?
You may have noticed a gum boil or pimple on your gums and you're probably wondering what happens if you pop it. After all it shares a...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 11, 20224 min read

Causes of Gum Boils
A gum boil is a progression in the stages of tooth decay and consequently that makes decay one of the most common causes of it. That's...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 11, 20226 min read

How Long Do Gum Boils Last?
Without treatment, a gum boil will last indefinitely in the mouth because it will only go away after it receives proper treatment because...
David Chen, DDS
Sep 6, 20225 min read

Pictures of Gum Boils
This is a collection of clinical pictures of gum boils, which are essentially a tooth abscess that is trying to erupt through your gums....
David Chen, DDS
Sep 6, 20224 min read

Halo Around The Root In Xray After Root Canal
When you had the root canal done, your dentist showed you a dark halo around the root of the tooth on the x-ray and said that it was a...
David Chen, DDS
Aug 20, 20227 min read

Signs Of Infection After Root Canal
Root canals are used to eliminate nerve infections but teeth don't become immune to future infections just because they've been root...
David Chen, DDS
Aug 18, 20227 min read

Boil On Gum After Root Canal, Is That Normal?
If you notice a boil on the gums shortly after finishing the root canal, it means that the infection did not go away completely....
David Chen, DDS
Aug 12, 20224 min read

What Does An Abscess Tooth Look Like?
An abscessed tooth can have a wide range of clinical presentations and thus no two abscesses look identical. Sometimes the abscess can...
David Chen, DDS
Jul 31, 20224 min read
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