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Jackson Ave Dental Blog
Our dentists in Long Island City have created this resource on how to take care of your teeth just for our patients. Perhaps it answers your question about one of our dental services?
Follow along to learn about tips on maintaining excellent oral health.

David Chen, DDS
May 13, 20223 min read
Coffee After Wisdom Teeth Removal: Forbidden Or Permitted?
Of course you can have coffee after having your wisdom teeth removed but you should be aware about why it may not be the best drink for...

David Chen, DDS
May 13, 20224 min read
Can You Drink Soda After Wisdom Teeth Removal?
There is no physical limitation preventing you from drinking soda after removing your wisdom teeth, but the recommendation is to avoid...

David Chen, DDS
May 10, 20227 min read
How Long Until A Tooth Infection Kills You: The Truth
How long until you die from a tooth infection would depend on the stage of the infection because you have more time in an earlier stage...

David Chen, DDS
May 2, 20223 min read
Is Whitening Toothpaste Bad For Your Teeth?
Teeth whitening makes your teeth really sensitive and you're not suppose to use it everyday but is that the same for whitening...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 28, 20224 min read
Pepto Bismol Black Tongue: The Cause and How to Fix it
You thought that an upset stomach was your problem but as soon as you started feeling better, you noticed a black tongue. What is going...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 26, 20225 min read
Why Is There A Sore On The Corner Of My Mouth After Dental Work?
Sores on the corner of your mouth may appear as a result of dental work or it could be purely coincidental and non-dental related. What...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 14, 20226 min read
Can Cavities Go Away On Their Own?
So you're starting to have some tooth pain and maybe feeling some sensitivity but you're not sure if its a cavity. Does it need to be...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 14, 20227 min read
16 Things Your Dentist Can Tell From Just Looking At Your Mouth
Cavities and plaque build up are two things that they look for but they can know much more than that from just looking into your mouth....

David Chen, DDS
Apr 12, 20225 min read
Is It Safe To Be Kissing With Bleeding Gums?
You haven't been to the dentist in awhile and your gums are bleeding when you brush but you just got a new boyfriend. Is it safe or is it...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 12, 20224 min read
Why Does Spinach Make My Teeth Feel Weird?
Do you love eating spinach but are you wondering why you get "Spinach teeth"? Is that normal and is it safe for me? Should I be doing...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 12, 20224 min read
Should You Change Your Toothbrush After Being Sick?
Is that something that you've thought about or is this the first time that you're hearing about this? We all know that when we are sick,...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 8, 20225 min read
Can Gum Disease Kill You?
We all know that our oral health is incredibly important and that we should get our biannual dental check ups but are dentists doing more...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 7, 20224 min read
When Can I Eat After A Filling
You just finished your dental filling appointment and you're about to leave but your dentist tells you to be careful and wait for the...

David Chen, DDS
Apr 1, 20229 min read
Hydroxyapatite toothpaste vs Fluoride
Are you worried about the dangers of fluoridated toothpaste and looking for an alternative? This is your guide to remineralization and...
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